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CANCELLED – (Hutchinson) 3 hrs. GEN ED – Issues In E-Commerce Ins. Liability

September 24, 2020 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Did you know the FBI reports cyberthreats are expected to soon surpass terrorism threats as the most dangerous of our nation’s concerns? This makes it critically important for people using the Internet in their personal or business lives to be aware of their exposures to this type of threats and the measures to protect themselves. Our discussion includes privacy issues, the infringement of intellectual property, virus transmission, or any other serious trouble passing from first to third parties via the Web. We provide a thorough discussion as to why businesses need Cyber Liability insurance and Network Security Insurance. The courses closes with a discussion clarifying what Technology Errors and Omissions insurance is, and why it’s a good idea for a business to also carry that type of protection. (987165-KS)

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September 24, 2020
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Categories:


Stover’s, 2611 E. 17th St., Hutchinson