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Spring Allergies, Mold Growth, & Your Pet

mold damage removalSpring is here! You’re jumping for joy with us, right? We know that April showers bring May flowers, and just like all that moisture brings new life to Wichita, it can also breed some unwelcome mold spores in your home.

The truth is spring is one of the most significant seasons for allergies, and mold illness symptoms can often closely mimic allergies. So as spring sets in, if you or someone in your home is experiencing some new allergy-like symptoms you haven’t experienced before, it is best to be proactive.

Signs of Mold

Do you think there is a possibility mold is growing somewhere in your home? Have you had a recent water leak? Is there a suspicious musky smell coming from the basement? All these could be signs of mold – and at this point, it is wise to have a mold removal expert come in and assess your home.

As we’ve talked about before, humans can experience what is called Chronic Inflammatory Disease, or CIRS. Researchers believe about 25 percent of people are genetically predisposed to CIRS, which essentially means being exposed to mold can make them sick. Well, it turns out that our pets can become sick from mold exposure, too.

Black Mold

According to animal experts, black mold has been a problem for farm animals for some time, but just within the past decade awareness has grown about the effects on domestic pets as well. In 2007, a veterinarian determined black mold was responsible for the death of two cats – and the story made headlines. The cats were at the vet for routine teeth cleaning under anesthetic but hemorrhaged and died.  Black mold produces mycotoxin which can damage the liver’s ability to help blood clot.

So, if you suspect you have mold in your home, but you aren’t exhibiting any symptoms, take a closer look at your furry friend for:

  • A runny nose & sneezing
  • Nosebleeds
  • Skin rashes or sores
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy

Of course, a blog post is not meant to diagnose anyone – or animal – with mold-related illness. So don’t go all Web MD on us and worry that just because you’ve read this and there are some similar symptoms that your home is filled with mold; that may not be the case. And if it is, it is not the end of the world! Thousands of homeowners find mold in their home every day and call upon educated professionals to remove it for good.

If you do believe there is mold in your home and that is what is causing your pet or others in your household to be sick, calling in a professional to investigate is the best route. Stover’s Restoration can do a thorough inspection and determine if there is mold growth even in areas you can’t see. A simple mold test can identify if there are any airborne mold spores in your home.